Bojović Drašković Popović & Partners is providing full legal assistance to OCSiAl, the world’s largest producer of graphene nanotubes, to smoothly start its business operations in Serbia.
OCSiAl plans to open a center for the production of graphene nanotubes and its derivatives in Stara Pazova. Graphene nanotube is a material which the company says is 50,000 times thinner than a hair, and 100 times stronger than steel. Even though graphene nanotubes were discovered 30 years ago until recently this unique material stayed in a lab. OCSiAl became the first company to develop graphene nanotubes scalable technology to synthesize them in industrial volumes, at high quality and affordable prices. As a result, graphene nanotubes revolutionize transportation, aerospace, construction, and other industries by developing next-generation products.
Automotive industry is one of the main drivers for graphene nanotube industry adoption. Nanotubes accelerate next-generation e-mobility upgrades creating lighter composite car components replacing metal parts, higher effective EV batteries, safer and less fuel/energy consuming tires, comfortable interior, and aesthetic exterior.
The nanotubes synthesis unit in Stara Pazova will be the pivotal point of the industrial center of graphene nanotubes, 200 people of various education and experience levels will be employed. The construction is ongoing, and the facility should be put into operation during 2023.
The BD2P team is led by partner Uroš Popović together with senior associate Miloš Andrejević.