Senior associate Milica Pešterić participated at panel discussion Legal and social responses to climate change – a new strategic framework in Serbia, held on 2 December, 2021.
Together with Marko Milenković, PhD, Institute of Social Sciences, Milica held a presentation ‘Reducing the carbon footprint and green kilowatts – towards a new regulatory framework in Serbia’.
During the presentation Milica pointed out the importance of green kilowatts for reducing GHG emissions and how it impacts on climate change, the importance of long-term monitoring of the process of electricity production from renewable sources, as well as the new regulatory framework within ambitious EU goals.
Past decades were characterized by an insufficiently stable framework with the constant prolongation of key bylaws validity on which the profitability of projects depended the most.
The new regulatory framework would significantly increase investment in the renewable energy sector, which would, at the end, make the fight against climate changes much easier.
Due to the current epidemiological situation, the panel was held online, via Zoom platform.