On 26 October 2023 the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia passed the new Law on Electronic Media, which will come into effect on 4 November 2023, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia no. 92/2023. The aim of the new Law is to implement the European Union Directive on Audiovisual Media Services by introducing new obligations for media service providers, especially on-demand media service providers. Additionally, the Law regulates video content-sharing platforms, which directly reflects the impact of the Directive.
Media pluralism
The new Law defines for the first time the concept of media pluralism, which encompasses various forms of establishing media service providers, diversity of media content concerning equal and balanced expression of political opinions, as well as diversity of program content within the type and character of the service provider’s program.
New Obligations for Video on Demand Service Providers
The new Law will introduce new quotas for on-demand services. This means that providers of on-demand media services must ensure that at least 30% of the content in their catalogues during each calendar year consists of European audiovisual works.
Further, the Law introduces other significant changes. Unlike the previous Law on Electronic Media, the new Law no longer distinguishes rules regarding the protection of minors between linear and on-demand media.
Regulation of Video Content-Sharing Platforms
The new Law, for the first time, includes video content-sharing platforms within media regulation, directly implementing the Audiovisual Media Services Directive. This change means that platforms are responsible for organizing the content they distribute, but not for the content itself.
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